Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Archived Conferences //
Update for Named and Designated Professionals in Health
Tuesday 21 February 2017
Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom.
This one day Level 4 and 5 (intercollegiate document) conference is aimed at assisting named and designated professionals discharge their responsibilities with regards to safeguarding the welfare of children.
“All health care staff need education, support and leadership both locally and nationally in order to fulfil their duties to safeguard and protect children and young people”.
Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competencies for health care staff INTERCOLLEGIATE DOCUMENT Third edition: March 2014.
Named and designated professionals for Children Looked After and Safeguarding play a critical role in promoting local practice, supporting others and providing strategic guidance in their local area.
Topics covered:
Update on relevant national and international issues, policies and their implications for practice.
Discuss safeguarding/child protection quality assurance processes.
How to provide expert advice to service planners and commissioners, ensuring all services commissioned to meet the statutory requirement to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Triennial analysis of serious case reviews from 2011 to 2014.
How to be an effective member of the Local Safeguarding Children Board
Effective Supervision.
Who should attend?
This one day conference is aimed at professionals who have specific child protection responsibilities such as named doctors, named nurses, named health visitors, named midwives (in organisations delivering maternity services), named health professionals in ambulance organisations and named GPs for Organisations commissioning Primary Care.
Also designated doctors and nurses, lead paediatricians, consultant/lead nurses, Child Protection Nurse Advisers (Scotland)