Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Conferences //
Safeguarding & Looked after Children: Hidden Harm and Trauma Virtual
28th April 2021 - Virtual Conference
Start time: 1pm

This half-day intercollegiate level 3 and 4 conference is directed at all professionals whose work brings them into contact with vulnerable children (Looked after Children and Children in Need of Safeguarding).
It aims to help update and refresh the knowledge, skills and competences of health care staff and professionals.
"Healthcare staff working with this group of children and their carers must have the right knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.....access to highly skilled and knowledgeable health practitioners results in improved outcomes, enabling young people to achieve their full potential"
- Looked after Children: roles and competencies of healthcare staff: December 2020
" fulfil these responsibilities, it is the duty of healthcare organisations to ensure that all health staff have access to appropriate safeguarding/ child protection training, learning opportunities...."
- Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff Fourth edition: January 2019
The conference will cover:
▪The impact on neglect and adverse life events
▪Caring for Children and Young People: Suicide prevention
▪Holistic approach to assessing strengths and vulnerabilities in children
▪The impact of parental mental illness: Building resilience
Who Should Attend:
This conference is aimed at doctors and other health and social care professionals who work in Safeguarding or with Looked after Children and young people.
It will be of particular interest to designated nurses, designated doctors, named nurses, named doctors & agency medical advisers and specialist advisers for Looked after Children and Safeguarding as well as paediatricians, child psychologists, child psychiatrists, children’s nurses, health visitors, school nurses, GPs, allied health professionals, sexual health staff and midwives.
Speakers Include:
Chris Brown, Embodied coach and Trainer
Dr Alan Cookin, Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Lin Ray- Graham, Designated Nurse for Looked after Children
Dr Georgie Siggers, Consultant Community Paediatrician
The Conference will cover:
▪ The impact on neglect and adverse life events
▪ Caring for Children and Young People: Suicide prevention
▪ Holistic approach to assessing strengths and vulnerabilities in children
▪ The impact of parental mental illness: Building resilience
Bookings can also be made online
The cost of attendance is
£60 if paying online/ by cheque or
£70 if paying by invoice to your employer (PO number required).
All prices are inclusive of your conference slides