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Conferences //

Child Protection Update

23rd November 2021 - Virtual Conference

Start time: 12:30 for a 13:00 Start


"To protect children and young people from harm, and help improve their wellbeing, all healthcare staff must have the competences to recognise child maltreatment, opportunities to improve childhood wellbeing, and to take effective action as appropriate to their role."

Safeguarding Children & Young People: Roles and competencies for healthcare staff (January 2019).


12:30: Login Registration - Room open for networking


12.45 -13.00: Welcome and introduction by Deborah Hodes


13:00- 14:00: Extra Familial Harm- an overview of the Contextual Safeguarding Approach


Dr. Clive Diaz

Research Associate CASCADE

School of Social Sciences (SOCSI) Cardiff University


14:05 - 15:05: Fractures and Suspected Injury 

Dr. Karl Johnson

Consultant Paediatric Radiologist

Birmingham Children's Hospital 

15:05 - 15:20: Break


15:25 - 16:25: SEN disability impact of covid on safeguarding

Caroline Coady


Assistant Director for Social Care National Children’s Bureau 


16:25 - 17:25: Sexual Abuse Update

Deborah Hodes


17:25 - 17:30: Close

17:30: Room open for networking



“Speakers were excellent.”

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