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Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Archived Conferences //
Court Skills The Basics Demystifying the Process of Giving Evidence April 11
Tuesday 11 April 2017
This one-day workshop will assist professionals who work with children to prepare reports for the court process. It is a level 3 to 5 (Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competencies for healthcare staff: intercollegiate document March 2014) and Level 4 (Looked after Children Knowledge and Skills competencies of healthcare staff – Intercollegiate competences March 2015) workshop.
Aimed at level 3 to 5 of Safeguarding Children and Young people: roles and competencies for health care staff- INTERCOLLEGIATE DOCUMENT Third edition: March 2014
“Medical experts called to give evidence in court must know the scientific basis and published literature on which his/her statement and opinions are based”
The Rt Hon Baroness Butler-Sloss GB
This will run as an interactive workshop.
Who Should Attend:
The workshop is aimed at all professionals who work with children, who may find themselves in court on behalf of the child, this includes but not exclusively, paediatricians, children’s nurses, health visitors, school nurses, child psychiatrists, midwives, designated and named doctors, designated and named nurses and named health professionals in all organisations that deliver health care. This also includes professionals that work with Looked after Children who have to prepare reports for the court process
The aim of The Conference:
Demystify the process of providing evidence to courts – written and oral.
Conference will:
Raise awareness of court processes including relevant legal issues.
Help understand the role of the professional witness.
Give tips on report writing and statements.
Assist with how to give oral evidence and withstand the cross-examination

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