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Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Archived Conferences //
Child Protection Update November 2018
Monday 5 November 2018

Child Protection Update is a workshop aimed at level 3 of Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competencies for health care staff- INTERCOLLEGIATE DOCUMENT Third edition: March 2014.
“All health care staff need education, support and leadership both locally and nationally in order to fulfil their duties to safeguard and protect children and young people.”
Safeguarding Children and Young People: roles and competencies for health staff in March 2014.
Topics Covered:
▪ Neglect
▪ Non- Accidental injury - a systematic review
▪ Learning from Serious Case Reviews
▪ Female Genital Mutilation
▪ Outcomes for Child Protection
▪ Child Protection and the courts
▪ Health needs of abused children
▪ Child Sexual Abuse - physical signs and common presentations
▪ Common presentation of Child Abuse
▪ Bites
Who should attend?
This conference is for all health professionals who work with children and their carers. It will be of particular interest to paediatricians, child psychologists, child psychiatrists, children’s nurses, health visitors, school nurses, allied health professionals, sexual health staff, GPs and midwives
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