Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Safeguarding Looked After Children
Wed Sep 25, 2019
Conferences //
Child Protection Update
Thu Feb 6, 2020
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Child Protection Update is a workshop aimed at level 3 of Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competences for health care staff- INTERCOLLEGIATE DOCUMENT Fourth edition: January 2019.
"To protect children and young people from harm, and help improve their wellbeing, all healthcare staff must have the competences to recognise child maltreatment, opportunities to improve childhood wellbeing, and to take effective action as appropriate to their role."
Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and competencies for healthcare staff (January 2019).
Topics Covered:
Non- Accidental injury
Female Genital Mutilation
Outcomes for Child Protection
Child Protection and the courts
Child Sexual Abuse - physical signs and common presentations
Common presentation of Child Abuse
Imaging in suspected inflicted injury.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Bite Mark Injuries in Child Protection: The role of the Forensic Odontologist and Child Protection Team
Bruises & Burns
Speakers Include:
Dr Heather Payne, Consultant Paediatrician & Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University
Dr Caren Landes, Consultant, Consultant Paediatric Radiologist
Dr Ruth Skelton, Consultant Paediatrician, Designated Doctor for Child Protection
Dr Roland Kouble, Forensic Odontologist
Dr Sian Moynihan, Designated Doctor, National Safeguarding Team (NHS Wales)