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AIM: To bring together peer review processes across the UK and share good practice

“All paediatricians involved in child protection work should participate in peer review.”

Child Protection Peer Review for Paediatricians Child Abuse Review Vol. 22: 60–66 (2013)

“Nationally, there is now considerable variation in the models of peer review.”

Child Protection Peer Review for Paediatricians Child Abuse Review Vol. 22: 60–66 (2013)

This conference will:

• Discuss the importance and benefits of peer review.
• Discuss different models of peer review in use.
• Offer the opportunity to peer review cases.
• Enable delegatesunderstand
the role of peer review in quality improvement through developing and maintaining high clinical standards.

The audience/who should attend:

This level 4 conference is aimed at paediatricians working in the field of safeguarding children and child protection. It may be of particular interest to those who are starting a peer review group. Trainees are encouraged to attend.


“Speakers were excellent.”

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